Mehr Silage, bessere Silage, weniger Plastik
Reduzieren Sie den Kunststoffverbrauch in Ihrem Silierprozess um 60 % mit dem Orange + Anti-UV-Abdeckungssystem und erhöhen Sie gleichzeitig die Menge an essbarer Silage. Silostop Orange ist eine recycelbare , fortschrittliche 9-lagige Sauerstoffbarrierefolie, die TS-Verluste reduziert, Abfall eliminiert und die aerobe Stabilität erhöht . Durch die Kombination von Orange mit der langlebigen, wiederverwendbaren Anti-UV-Abdeckung von 210 g/m² erhält Ihr Bunker 99 % Schatten, sodass keine PE-Folie erforderlich ist und er bis zu 5 Jahre lang geschützt ist. Ziel von Silostop ist es, die Silierung zu einem nachhaltigeren Prozess zu machen und Landwirten dabei zu helfen, mehr und bessere Silage zu erhalten und gleichzeitig den benötigten Kunststoff zu reduzieren und recycelbar zu machen.

Silostop Orange
Silostop Orange Oxygen Barrier Silage Film is available in a variety of sizes to fit all piles and bunkers. It is fully recyclable, and when combined with our re-usable Anti-UV covers, results in a sharp decrease in overall plastic usage, helping farmers improve sustainability.
In addition to providing an excellent oxygen barrier, Silostop Orange silage film has been carefully designed to meet the challenges found in daily use. It can be stretched to over 200% before tearing and has high puncture resistance. It is extremely flexible so that it lies flush on the surface to eliminate air pockets. Silostop Orange Oxygen Barrier Silage Film comes with a thick layer of protective wrapping to protect from physical damage.
Key Features and Benefits
High Oxygen Barrier
Silostop Orange's unique formula includes a special polymer layer that effectively blocks oxygen, ensuring your silage remains fresh and nutrient-rich.
Superior Performance
With an oxygen transmission rate under 5 (cm³ /m² /24 hours) at 20 O², Silostop Orange outperforms traditional silage sheeting by a significant margin, making it incredibly efficient at keeping oxygen out.
Durable and Flexible
Silostop Orange can be stretched to over 200% before tearing, and its high puncture resistance ensures longevity and reliability. Its flexibility allows it to lie flush on the surface, eliminating air pockets that can compromise silage quality.
Developed with Farmers, for Farmers
We have collaborated with farmers and academics for over a decade to develop Silostop Orange, putting our products through rigorous trials and studies to ensure their effectiveness in various conditions.
Maximize Crop Yield
By investing in Silostop Orange, you can generate up to a 600% return on your investment, thanks to better fermentation, reduced dry matter losses, minimal surface mold, and improved aerobic stability at feed out.
Environmentally Friendly
Fully recyclable, Silostop Orange helps farmers improve sustainability by reducing plastic usage and waste.