Silo Management April 21, 2021Silage production Part 4 So the grass has been cut at its optimal time, wilted to perfection, chopped at the perfect length and into the trailer. The silo needs to...
Harvesting crops for silage April 14, 2021Silage production Part 3 Do you use a contractor or run the foraging team yourself? An often asked question as the timing of the harvest is often up to the...
Timing the harvesting right is vital April 7, 2021Silage production Part 2 This is a vital step in the silage making process, as soon as the grass is cut it will start to lose nutrients but it...
Producing good quality silage March 31, 2021Silage production Part 1 Good quality silage is essential to achieve low-cost high quality milk, meat and biogas. As the forage grown on the farm is the cheapest and largest...
Don't throw away 10 acres of grass March 24, 2021Reducing the loss of Dry Matter on the 1m of your silage is easy. Stop losing 10 acres of grass.